My Friday Happy Hour is better than yours!

Every Friday I save my run for the afternoon to enjoy the company of some amazing momma’s. Fort Collins, CO is awesome in a lot of ways and I love it that one thing people really dig here is fitness. I’m part of a group of mom’s who combines talents to encourage/promote/lead a healthy lifestyle through fitness and good health. But here is the amazing part: every one of us does it for FREE.

Our fearless leaders!

I started with this group after my second child when I was having a hard time getting any sort of core workouts in. I loved running, that wasn’t the issue. Getting home and even thinking about doing any sort of sit-ups/push-ups…. bleh. After religiously going to the workouts every Thursday (they are held at a park and all the mom’s bring their kiddos and exercise while the kids play- genius!) I became friends with and began running with the momma who promoted the running segment. At this point she did an amazing job coaching other mom’s and encouraging everyone to be a part of an organized race every year but there was not a formal group run. The birth of our running group came about shortly after this. We meet every Friday at a park with jogging strollers, snacks, and games and get on the trail. I can’t take credit for this, these ladies already had an amazing thing going and I’m honored I got to join in- I know a good thing when I see it!

Being a part of this empowering group of ladies has been quite fulfilling. I am grateful to have them in my life and encourage anyone who is looking for something like this to start their own group!

Supermoms after our 3-4 mile run

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